Last firmware updates


Download the latest firmware version:


Steps for upgrade firmware after download the files:

1- Install GIGA SNMP on Advanced — Maintenance menu — Firmware Update

2- Unzip the file and install on Advanced — Inlet & Outlet upgrade

Firmware history

2024/11/8 SNMP Board 0.40a25 1. Update German strings at Powertek’s request.
2024/8/27 SNMP Board 0.40a18 1. Support 125A CT (SPEEDA CT PN# SSD-4718-2000T150L2P) then modified the related modules as webpage, snmpd and cli.
2. Fixed SNMPD engine ID.
3. Fixed multi-language display error, German is displayed as Spanish and Spanish is displayed as German.
2024/7/4 SNMP Board 0.40a17 1. Add dew point temperature in the Webpage but without change logs, MIB, CLI etc….
2024/4/26 SNMP Board 0.40a14 1. To fix AC Type RCM over 30mA then alarm cannot be triggered in the LCM.
2024/3/29 SNMP Board 0.40a13-3 1. To add „support SNMP v3 only feature“ by Powertek requirement.
2. To release MIB file v1.02
2024/8/21 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.32 1. To support 125A CT(SPEEDA, SSD-4718-2000T150L2P )
2024/3/27 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.27 1. To fix outlet webpage display lag problem when turn on/off process.
2024/3/11 SNMP Board  0.40a11 1. To fix outlet sequential starup problem in the 24 ports POS system.
2024/3/11 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.26 1. To change AC voltage detection rule for DIP voltage test.
2024/3/1 SNMP Board v0.40a10 1. To fix the timeout issue in upgrading inlet/outlet firmware.
2024/2/26 SNMP Board 0.40a09 1. To fix outlet cannot be delay turned on or off when outlet number is greater than 32.
2024/2/23 SNMP Board 0.40a08 1. To fix SNMP client query following alarm status reporting error.
pduDevMonInletEvtStatusPh1 ~ 3
2024/2/22 SNMP Board 0.40a07 1. To change common name to
2. To add removing certificate function on the Security page.
3. To fix energy was reset to 0 after system restart.
2024/2/21 SNMP Board 0.40a06 1. To change certificate subject according to Powertek requirements.
2. To fix Inlet and Outlet value during power share startup.
2024/1/25 SNMP Board 0.40a04 1. To fix netmask and route address conflict problem.
2023/11/24 SNMP Board 0.30 a59 1. Add Serial Number in General Setting webpage.
2. Add MAC address in TCP/IP webpage.
3. Change LCM’s daisy chain PDU display name.
4. Change Load Balance max. threshold from 200 to 400.
5. Fix email cannot send issue.
2023/11/24 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.25 1.  To fixed some RCMB(DC type) incorrect actions.
2023/10/13 SNMP Board 0.30 a57 1. Modify firmware to support dual ethernet Standalone mode.
2. Update SPS2_MIBv1_v0.98 and SPS2_MIBv2_v0.98 file for dual ethernet Standalone mode support.
3. Fixed issue where uploaded language would disappear after system restart.
2023/9/11 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.24 To fix outlet switching problem when breaker turn off in the POS system.
2023/8/31 SNMP Board 0.30 a55 To fix outlet energy has not matching between SNMP v2 and Webpage.
2023/8/31 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.23 To fix outlet energy has not matching between SNMP v2 and Webpage.
2023/8/18 SNMP Board 0.30 a54 1. To fix daisy chain problem that sometimes slaves PDU will disappear in the webpage.
2023/8/18 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.22 1. The Inlet board support 16A CT system assembly by Powertek system request.
2023/8/10 SNMP Board 0.30 a53 1. To fix daisy chain problem that sometimes slaves PDU will disappear in the webpage.
The total cable length of the daisy chain will be 20 meters for 16pcs PDU.
2. To fix the network instability problem that enhance dual Ethernet mode solution.
2023/6/30 SNMP Board 0.30 a51 1. Remove „Type“ from Inlet display screen of the DFSTN LCM and OLED.
2023/6/20 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.21 1. To fix sequential startup abnormal and outlet disappear problem in the POS system.
2023/6/13 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.20 1. To fix sequential startup abnormal and outlet disappear problem in the POS system.
2023/6/7 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.19 To fix volts abnormal display of the Inlet L2&L3.
2023/5/26 SNMP Board 0.30 a50 1. Fix parameters crash problem.
2. Add SNMPv3 USM table MIB file.
3. If system name is default value (default: PDU), then DHCP hostname attached with system name and mac address, otherwise, only attached system name.
4. Change system name default value from Powertek to PDU. (Only at first time upgrade to this version will working, ex. Upgrade from TI MFG FW to this version)
5. Change LCM type default value from STN to OLED. (Only at first time upgrade to this version will working, ex. Upgrade from TI MFG FW to this version)
6. Change PDU Type default value from 3 phase PDU 250V 32A to 3 phase PDU 380 32A. (Only at first time upgrade to this version will working, ex. Upgrade from TI MFG FW to this version)
7. Release new MIB file SPS2_MIBv1_v0.97.mib and SPS2_MIBv2_v0.97.mib.
2023/5/26 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.18 1. Added current filtering method, when the current value is negative, this value is forced to be set to zero.
2. AC fault detection is forced disabled when the board is a non-relay type.
2023/4/28 SNMP Board 0.30 a48 1. SNMPV3 user table array size change 1 to 8. (Change scope included webpage and CLI)
2. Release CLI file (PDU2 CLI_20230410.xlsx).
3. Release REST API V2.7(New Banchao REST API_2023_0410.docx).
2023/3/31 SNMP Board 0.30 a47 1. Fix browser language switching cause webpage display error.
2. Support SPD. (When SPD trigger, LCM show warning). The SNMP board and Inlet hardware version must be ver. A3.
2023/3/29 SNMP Board 0.30 a46 1. Fix sequential on outlet state not sync with last state object at first time upgrade to new version.
2023/3/25 SNMP Board 0.30 a44 1. Add Outlet Sequential Startup  Feature.
2023/3/24 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.17 1. Add Outlet Sequential Startup  Feature.
2023/3/8 SNMP Board 0.30 a43 1. Fix outlet disappear problem.
2. Fix LCM jump time error problem.
3. Change power factor display unit (ex. 94 %-> 0.94), includes web, MIB, cli, Modbus and mail attached file.
4. Release new mib file SPS2_MIBv1_v0.96.mib and SPS2_MIBv2_v0.96.mib.
2023/3/8 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.16 1. Fix outlet disappear problem.
2023/1/19 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.13 1. To implement the relay is forced to close when the power is off, Start the ON delay function after power on.
2. To correct the Outlet power calculation problem, when the current is too large (>20A), the calculation will be wrong.
2023/1/19 SNMP Board 0.30 a40 1. To add hostname to DHCP command.
2. To hide Residual Current(mA) Alarm Threshold when RCMB is invalid.
2022/12/23 Inlet/Outlet 1.0.12 1. Fix the small current error problem, Clear current/power/PF when the current is below 0.01A.
2. Modify the calculation formula of power (active/apparent/reactive).
2022/11/17 SNMP Board 0.30 a39 1. Support BENDVAC RCMB 121-1 (DC Type) and RCMB 121-2 (AC Type).


Download the latest firmware version:


Steps for upgrade firmware after download:

1- Install GIGA SNMP on Advanced — Maintenance menu — Firmware Update


Steps for upgrade firmware after download:

1- Unzip the file and install on Advanced — Inlet & Outlet upgrade

Firmware history

— Revision History

— v0.10 09-Dec-2020 Grace Wu Created

— v0.20 05-Feb-2021 Kenneth change OID to simple(2) for pwt(4)

— v0.30 20-Feb-2021 Grace Wu
— 1. pduEmdCurrInfoHumidityStat SYNTAX INTEGER change to normal(1),warning(2),critical(3).
— 2. pduEmdCurrInfoTempStat SYNTAX INTEGER change to normal(1),warning(2),critical(3).
— 3. pduEmdCfgEMDAddress change to read-only.
— 4. pduEmdCfgAppFWVer change to read-only.
— 6. pduEmdCfgTempCalOffset SYNTAX INTEGER change to fivePointFour(1),fourPointFive(2),
— threePointSix(3),twoPointSeven(4),onePointEight(5),zeroPointNine(6),zeroPointZero(7),
— negativeZeroPointNine(8),negativeOnePointEight(9),negativeTwoPointSeven(10),
— negativeThreePointSix(11),negativeFourPointFive(12),negativeFivePointFour(13).
— 7. pduEmdCfgHumidityCalOffset SYNTAX INTEGER change to six(1),five(2),four(3),three(4),two(5),
— one(6),zero(7),negativeOne(8),negativeTwo(9),negativeThree(10),
— negativeFour(11),negativeFive(12),negativeSix(13).
— 8. pduDateAndTimeNtpSyncIntervalType change day to 1, month to 2.
— 9. pduIecViewMgmtGuid change to read-only.
— 10. pduAccessIpSettingTblAction accept->allow,reject->deny.
— 11. pduEmdCfgTempCritHigh SYNTAX INTEGER change to 0..650.
— 12. pduEmdCfgTempCritLow SYNTAX INTEGER change to 0..650.
— 13. pduEmdCfgTempWarnHigh SYNTAX INTEGER change to 0..650.
— 14. pduEmdCfgTempWarnLow SYNTAX INTEGER change to 0..650.
— 15. pduNetServiceRadiusTimeout SYNTAX INTEGER change to 1..99.
— 16. pduNetServiceRadiusRetry SYNTAX INTEGER change to 1..99.
— 17. pduSnmpSettingTrapEvtLevel SYNTAX INTEGER change to informational(1),warning(2),critical(3).
— 18. pduEmailSettingSmtpAuthEn SYNTAX INTEGER change to disabled(1),enabled(2)
— 19. trap change some description.

— v0.40 22-Feb-2021 Grace Wu
— 1. pduIpv6SettingAddress change to pduIpv6SettingLocalAddress and change to read.
— 2. add pduIpv6SettingGlobalAddress.
— 3. pduIpv6SettingPrefix range change from 0-63 to 0-128

— v0.50 04-Mar-2021 Grace Wu
— 1. pduCfgCritOverLoadAlm unit changet to 0.1W, and range change to 0-140800.
— 2. pduCfgCritLoadBalanceAlm unit changet to 0.1%, and range change to 0-1000.
— 3. pduCfgWarnOverLoadAlm unit changet to 0.1W, and range change to 0-140800.
— 4. pduCfgWarnLoadBalanceAlm unit changet to 0.1%, and range change to 0-1000.
— 5. pduEmdCurrInfoHumidityValue unit changet to 0.1%.
— 6. pduEmdCfgTempCritHigh add unit 0.1.
— 7. pduEmdCfgTempCritLow add unit 0.1.
— 8. pduEmdCfgTempWarnHigh add unit 0.1.
— 9. pduEmdCfgTempWarnLow add unit 0.1.
— 10. Critical: Cold boot. -> coldStart.
— 11. Critical: Warm boot. -> warmStart.
— 12. add trap pduInletCurrCB2Phase1Warn(71)~pduInletCurrPhase3CB2CritToWarn(82).
— 13. trap pduInletCurrPhase1Warn(15)~pduInletCurrPhase3CritToWarn(26) name add CB1.

— v0.60 12-Mar-2021 Grace Wu
— 1. remove pduIpv6SettingPrefix.